The word Love brings so many meanings to mind.  It’s the core principle to leading a life of meaning and true riches.  True riches are found in our relationships with God, family, and friends.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

~1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love can be hard and painful.  It may go against our selfish desires to show Love.  Loving yourself will leave you empty.  Giving and loving others will fill you up.  Do the right thing even if it’s hard.

Love goes beyond our intimate relationships.  We are commanded to show Love to everyone that we interact with, even those that we disagree with.  You may call those people your enemies and it will be hard to show Love to them.  That’s where forgiveness and a deeper understanding of life comes in.  Forgive so that you can Love and move on from the bitterness.

The Bible describes Love as follows.

Love is Patient 

Patience is having the ability to wait.  It’s not only about waiting but what you do and your attitude while you’re waiting.  Trusting God’s eternal timing is key to having patience.

Love is Kind

Showing kindness to others will benefit both parties.  You’ll feel great by making a difference in someone’s day and may make a lasting impact.

Love Does Not Envy

Being envious is a waste of time.  Be glad for others and their accomplishments.  Be grateful for what you have.

Love Does Not Boast

Be humble.  By boasting you’re telling others that you think that you’re better than they are.  God sees us all the same.

Love Is Not Proud

Carrying pride goes along with being boastful.  Humble confidence is great but pride is ignorance.

Love Honors  

Honor is showing respect for others.  Regardless of what you think, be respectful of others.

Love Is Not Self-Seeking

Love is having the best interest of others in mind.  If you’ve got a personal agenda then it will show.

Love is Not Easily Angered

Anger is a natural emotion but we can learn to keep it in check.  There’s not much good that comes from acting in anger.  Take a breather and think about your response first.

Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs

This has to be one of the harder elements of Love.  When you’re deeply hurt, it’s hard to forgive but we have to forgive to move on.

Love Protects

When you care about someone, it’s your duty to protect them.  If you feel that a loved one or a friend is in danger then let them know.

Love Trusts

Solid relationships rely on trust as the foundation.  A lack of trust will destroy a relationship.

Love Hopes

Know that there’s something better coming.

Love Perseveres

Love doesn’t give up.  When a relationship is built out of love then it will stand the test of time.

By breaking it down, it makes it easier to get a better grasp on a word that has such big meaning.  Think about your relationships and the elements that you can work on.  I’ve definitely got a few that I can improve on.

What some adjectives that come to mind for you when it comes to Love?

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